Benjamin is the very hot and sexy 19-year-old Spanish boy who recently set up his own imagefap page (Benjamin_333) and then briefly disappeared. He wasn't sure what he wanted from his naked exposure then, but he has reactivated his page in a big way and has reposted many of his photos there. More importantly, he now tells me that “I'll probably be staying here for a long time”, so I think he’s at least sure that he wants us to see, enjoy and jack off over his naked young beauty. He's a Taurus, born right on the cusp with Aries, so he shares the qualities of both signs – strength, stability, independence and great courage. He is handsome, intelligent and his naked feet are so erotic they give me a hardon all by themselves. Have you ever seen toes more erotic than these? I would crawl on my fag belly for the chance to lick and suck each of those gorgeous young toes and watch as his cock gets hard and harder. The rest of his beautiful young self speaks for itself. I am reuploading his gallery at his request. Ten of his photos are dedicated to me (he surely knows how to make an old faggot drool with lust!) I could bond with him as his personal faggot slave on any condition he might require and I am sure he will find what he's looking for, once it knocks on his door. Enjoy his exposure and send him a Thank You for returning!